Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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These days there are not a lot of people adopting children like there used to be, a family (gay, straight, trans) is better than any foster care system where children are placed. Like any couple lookig to adopt, LGBT couples offer loving homes to raise children in. Many children who are raised by single parents are proven to have lower educational goals, and bad behaviour. Gay, lesbian, or trans couples, offer children two full time parents. Having gay men and leabians not be parents is totally discrimination based on their sexual orientation. That kind of behaviour and discrimination would on no terms be acceptable in situations like employment.
What exactly is LGBT adoption?
LGBT adoptionis when lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender parents …show more content…

It is actually really sad that the image of a perfect family is a mother and father. Today more and more LGBT couples are becoming parents.
For married oppoiste sex coupkes, 22,872 had hosue holds with childre, 90.80% had only biological children with them, only 4.40% had step only or adopted only, and 4.80 % were a combination. For unmarried opposite sex couples. 2,267,016 had house holds with chidren, 88% were biological only, 5.20 ertr step or adotion only, and 6.80% were combination. For same sex couple 94,627 had house holds with children, 72.80% were biological only, 21.20% were step or adopted only, 6% were combination. ("Lifelong Adoptions." Life Long Adoptions, n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.)
Sexual identities develop the same way with children that have straight parents vs. LGBT parents. There is no valid evidence that living with a LGBT family will make a child gay or trans. There is no valid evidence that being gay or trans effects an enviorment also.Children are effected by their parents interactions, they are not influnced by their parents sexual