Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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Love conquers all. Would not love overcome social stigmas put upon two people wanting to raise a family? A spotlighted topic today is the debate of homosexual couples, should they or should they not be allowed to adopt? I firmly believe gay couples should have the rights of any other couples wanting to adopt. Recently the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. Most married couples dream of raising a child together, but a lot of people oppose letting homosexual couples adopt children. Letting gay couples adopt kids is great for both sides “Gay parents get to start their own family and give a home to an orphan.” (Gay 1). Although people claim homosexual parents cannot properly raise a child, it is discrimination not to let the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transvestite parents adopt and letting them adopt gives a child a happy loving home. America is founded on the rights to life, liberty, and the …show more content…

Why couldn’t two people raise a child? Single mothers and fathers raise perfectly fine kids surely a homosexual couple can. The argument that a kid needs a mom and a father figure is arguable, because what a child truly needs is just a loving home. The sexual orientation of the parents does not alter “the well-being of children” (Wolf 4). When kids grow up in homes with two parents that love and care for them dearly why does it matter the gender of the parents? Two people in love wanting to start a family should not be told that they cannot just because people have different views on what the “American” family should be. All that some samesex couples want to do is start a family and raise a child, what's so wrong about that? There is nothing wrong about giving a kid in need of a home a home and bringing joy to two people in love. The thoughts same-sex couples have are