Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage

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Gay marriage has been on the forefront of many calls in the civil rights movement. The premise of gay marriage is to allow gays to have the right of marriage, its legal benefits and status for same sex persons. Calls for same sex marriage has been the pinnacle for the community after they have been awarded recognition and acceptance in many parts of society. The fight for gay marriage have been long ever since same sex relationships have been lifted from social taboos and its implication in different levels of government will have a lasting impact on society.
Gay marriage is a controversial and modern topic. Often, it is spearheaded by many liberal and progressive movements in addition to the queer community (the LGBTQ and its various forms). The most visible opponent of gay marriage is the traditional and religious community. The reason for opposing can be surmised as undermining the traditional role of marriage in society - that …show more content…

People would cite examples of bestiality – sexual intercourse between a human and an animal – to illustrate the concept of slippery slope. Others would present argument using cases of multiple partners living or having sexual relations with a single partner. An extended argument id that the arrangement is not ‘natural’ and offspring from these relationships will have some lacking traits or deficiency when interacting in society. While the argument regarding multiple partners might be a viable, it is not the same case and it does not apply consistently. Marriage has not been redefined as a union between one partner and other partners. It is one person’s union with another. The only variant that changed was gender. Instead of man and woman, it can be man and man or woman and woman. Social welfare programs and institutions can still support these partners and will not violate in terms of conditions for partners in a