Persuasive Essay On Gay Marriage Australia

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The USA is in the midst of a historic shift in civil rights that began as a state by state campaign that now applies to an entire nation. Out of state special interest groups created Prop 8 which passed by only 4%, was overturned as unconstitutional, while state by state made the shift to recognize all marriages. Since day one, the world has been watching and debating this issue of marriage and legal rights. The question of marriage rights is global not just an issue of the US constitution.
Australian Parliament is now in the process of making the decision of marriage equality for Australia by the end of 2016. According to The Guardian most of Parliament supports equal marriage rights for same sex couples, though a significant number are still undecided or unknown. This paradigm
As Australian Parliament is …show more content…

It would seem this couple has an exaggerated view of how much much of an impact their marital status, alone, affects their fellow citizens and their government. The reality of their actions is that the only folks who are affected are ________ themselves and their relatives- According to the reactions in the comment section _______ threat of divorce has is curious to most people and reduces the credibility of their own argument against gay marriage. It is, afterall, a popular notion among anti-gay marriage groups that gay marriage is the saboteur of marriage. The reactions reflect a group of people who actually believe their rights to marriage are being taken away, when in reality the growing population of same sex couples legally married has not nullified the marriage entitlements of a single heterosexual couple. It would seem that this couple is taking a stand by nullifying their own marriage and blaming the gay community for achieving equal marriage