Persuasive Essay On Gay Rights

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Today people have many ideas on gay rights, which have been pondered about by many people for such a long time; sometimes people don’t realize the politics of it, the normality of it, and the good involved with it. There are so many interpretations of being gay, and so many meanings as well as ways to be gay. Someone can be pansexual, bisexual, transsexual, lesbian, gay, those are only some examples of being gay. People need to look deep into the meaning to understand the true concept, it can be a confusing thing if someone is trying to figure it out from a negative point of view, but thinking outside of one’s normal mindset could make it a little bit easier to understand. Anyone can take it any way they want and that could be good or bad, but understand what being gay is first. See, as people, we get put on a pedestal to like the opposite sex which makes it …show more content…

Gay rights should be as equal as straight rights because of the fact that everyone deserves to be happy in however way they want to be. Why should someone be treated different for being who they are? Everyone has the right to be who they are and no one has the right to take it from them. Most people who are gay don’t really see the big issue of same-sex couples being together or married, but some others who aren’t gay, might find it a bit disturbing for the fact they don’t see how on earth you could like your own kind. Some people don’t realize the benefits that can come along with gay marriage, but there are plenty behind gay rights. Pro Con argues, “Gay marriage could help make America more financially stable.” If they get the privilege to get married and have to pay taxes then what exactly does the government have to complain about besides maybe their personal belief?