Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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It seems as if Americans have always had a crazy passion with collecting firearms for no a good reason. With the laws permitting U.S. natives the privilege to remain battle ready, U.S. residents have dependably been quick to exploit it and laugh at any individual who tries to meddle. Others are curious of why somebody is protective over a weapon that’s known to be extremely dangerous. Gun control is necessary for today's society. Decreasing the United States crime and murder rate has been a dream for every citizen in the United States. Acquiring stricter and stronger gun control laws will benefit us in an outstanding way. Shootings are on the rise increasing steadily in the past couple of months so much that it now happens often around the United States. These accidental shootings around the United States can begin to decrease by applying stricter gun laws to keep America safer. Also, guns to begin with serve no real purpose to U.S. citizens. Guns will only hurt one and cause one to do reckless things with these high powered guns such as killing helpless …show more content…

This will make citizens in the United States safer. The important factor is the more problematic it is to obtain a gun from the market, then the fewer citizens will have guns. This will make it less likely of someone using it. With that happening it will also decrease the chances of criminals obtaining guns in their hands and most likely doing things they shouldn’t. In today’s world it’s fashionably easy to get a hold of a gun that even convicts and sick unstable human beings can get their hands on it. “England has completely illegalized the right of possession or use of guns apart from the military and the police,” writes Lori Robertson in her article Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes, “ever since, England’s criminality rates have proven to be one of the most minimal wrongdoing and murder rates in Western Europe, if not the least.”