The Right To Bear Arms

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Gun Control On December 15th, 1791 our Second Amendment right was adopted. As stated in our Bill of Rights, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The right to bear arms is a right that every American deserves to have to protect themselves and to serve their families. However there are many that believe that because of mindless acts of violence that guns are to blame. The ill minded should not be the cause of the abiding citizens of America to lose their rights.
The second amendment (the right to bear arms) was within the first 10 amendments to be put into our Bill of Rights. As the supreme court stated, the right to bear arms belongs …show more content…

These terrifying events have caused an uproar in our current times. Many believe that because of these horrid events that certain gun laws should be put into place, certain guns to be outlawed (ex: Assault rifles), or even guns in general to be banned. But what will that do? Banning these guns only makes them more of an attractive object towards criminals. The killers that are doing these mass shootings are already criminals breaking the law, so why would they follow anti gun laws? Instead of blaming guns maybe the people and their reasoning for these hateful acts should be more looked into. Studies have shown that there has been a major rise in mental illness in recent years. Alarming amounts of mass and school shootings, depression, and suicide. Maybe what should be considered is the serious lack of parenting and guidance some adolescents have. If they would trace the background of every person that did these shootings maybe they would see the flaws in their own society rather than the guns at hand. Or for parents to actually teach their children gun safety. Teaching gun safety at a young age would teach children to understand and have more respect for the gun. A lot of highschool kids sit in rooms playing violent video games for the majority of their time, what is that teaching? Guns are something that should be …show more content…

Most view guns as a weapon purely used for violence and that abolishing the second Amendment would reduce gun related deaths greatly. Owning and using magazine clips is also a very controversial topic, many believe that the magazine clips are used mostly in mass murders. Most pro gun control activists also say that guns are rarely used as self defense. But rather if it is rarely used, having the option for self defense is better than none. Many say that having fewer guns would lead to fewer suicides and accidental guns deaths. However, neither of those would be an issue with proper parenting and being taught respect for guns at an early age. Anti gun activists also say that an everyday civilian should not be able to own military grade weapons. But who is to say what we can and cannot own as Americans? There is much to be said from the people that are anti gun and for their reasoning, but at the end of the day it still relies on the person behind the gun and how they were