Stricter Gun Laws Essay

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Guns need to have stricter laws! Guns have obviously caused a dramatic rise the crime rate in the United States. An example is the killing enormous Sandy Hook school massacre that happen in the year of 2012, only four years ago. Another one is the San Bernardino shooting with reference to fourteen lives taken and twenty-one others injured (Karimi). These massacres did not happen with knives but the lives of little children, dads, moms, and just citizens of the United States were taken with guns. Guns are the reason the violence along with the violence in video games, and all over social media. Guns need to have stricter laws that need to be enforced by the law enforcers of the country.
Video games have made an enormous impact on the violence …show more content…

The majority of the time people lock up when trying to use a gun to protect themselves and their family. The reason one locks up is in light of the fact that they have never been put in the position to shoot someone, or injury someone so that person gets nervous, scared, or has no idea what to do. Also, the people are too nice of people to shoot someone and were not raised to shoot or harm anyone person on purpose. Locking up is cause by the enormous decision that is made in order take the one person that is trying to take the life of a family or person. This decision could possibly be one of the biggest decisions that has to be made in that individual's life. If guns are banned they will not need to be used in self defense anyway due to the fact that criminals will not need them. In today's society police officers are being charged for taking the life of people who pull a gun on them and take fire. The officer will not have these choices to make if there is ban on guns, because of the fact that the criminals will not have guns. Also, police officers will take less lives along with police officers being shot since the officer is just trying to do his or her job of protecting themselves and the citizens of the the united states. Guns need restrictions because people are forced to make life time decisions that are not usually made due to the person freezing and not using the weapon

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