Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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Gun Control has been a widely controversial topic throughout the United States. While the topic of guns has always been an argument, mass shooting have caused them to become a more popular topic of discussion within the past ten years. Liberalists believe that the root of all the mass shooting is the use of guns; whereas, conservatives believe that guns provide protection for freedom, families, and their own life. The conservatives argue that people kill people, not guns. Even though many people believe gun control will lead to fewer violent deaths, increasing the amount of people with guns obtained legally and safety training will protect the citizens from facing the wrong end of a gun.

Gun control can mean many different things. The liberalists are the people who support it. They believe that guns should be taken away from every citizen. Guns should …show more content…

The conservatives are the people that believe every citizen of the United States has the right to bare arms as according to the Constitution. Smith and Wesson Forums has a picture from the NRA stating, "Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars." In everyday life, people use cars. It is dangerous and illegal to drink and drive, but people still do it. To take away an innocent person's right to own a gun would not help because bad people can still get ahold of guns illegally. People are the danger, not guns. If someone really wanted to hurt or murder another person, he or she would find a way to get it done. A car alone is completely safe. A car being driven by a sober person is safe but driven by a drunk is when it gets unsafe. Guns are safe alone and in the hands of innocent, but when put into the hands of a murderer leads to death. Conservatives and Liberals have their own separate opinions on how to keep citizens