
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Annually, hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter the United States to seek benefits which are unavailable in their native country, and this immigration has sparked a lot of controversy in our nation. The population of the US is increasing due to the influx of migrants from various locations across the world, and citizens of the country are worried about what this may prove for the country. A vast majority of the people coming in enter legally, and seek benefits, freedoms, and better lifestyle, while aiming to obtain citizenship. However, the nation is primarily concerned about those who enter the country illegally, and attempt to gain benefits and follow the American dream without abiding the American laws on immigration. It is on this …show more content…

Those who come in must similarly be given a chance to prove themselves, their commitment, devotion, and loyalty to our nation. According to research obtained by the Pew Research Center, there are approximately 11.4 million illegal immigrants in our nation, a large portion of which come from Mexico. Many of these immigrants choose to enter illegally due to the inefficiency of the US Legalization process. It takes around 10-15 years for a person to become a naturalized citizen, and to apply that to 11 million people is virtually impossible. Despite this, those immigrants lead honest lives and do their duties. In my opinion, these immigrants should be granted some rights of amnesty and be allowed to “come out of the shadows” and live their lives peacefully and openly. This will encourage them to participate in the legal process without having to be forced into moving back to their native country. Some politicians are attempting to implement this, including the President, however, our divided government is inhibiting any major changes from occurring and succeeding. Therefore, I believe that illegal immigrants should be granted rights to amnesty to ensure their proceedings towards

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