Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalize Marijuana
There is a great misconception of Marijuana today, which is that it is a dangerous drug that kills people by destroying brain cells and causing people to overdose. Both of those horrific accusations are not only stretched to great lengths, but are completely wrong. In fact, according to The National Cancer society, many of the studies done to tarnish the image of cannabis were flawed in numerous ways; either they did not obtain a large enough group of people, were mentally impaired, and/or had outside incidents which created the problems, etc. Many feel that marijuana, medical and recreational alike, should be legalized, for it aids in medical illnesses, help those suffering from chronic depression, anxiety, and stress, …show more content…

People say it kills our brain cells. That is a false statement. First of all, according to Dr. Malik Burnett, a former surgeon and Physician advocate, the study that “shown” cannabis killed brain cells, was severely flawed. Only a 1000 people were tested, and out of the 1000 people, only 38 people (3.8%) shown decrease in IQ. Secondly, they smoked a much larger amount of marijuana than the average user for a much longer time than the average user. There are also debates questioning whether or not the “IQ” being a valid measurement of brain function and intelligence. Also, the human body produces its own cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids. There are also multiple cannabinoid RECEPTORS all over the body and specifically the brain. Yet these receptors control an entire different part of the brain than opioid receptors, which are present in the area of the brain controlling breathing and brain function. This in turn makes it physically impossible to overdose off of marijuana, unlike alcohol, which actually creates a deadly compound which is toxic to the brain and kills the brain cells. This is also why you have a hangover after drinking large amounts. So not only does it not kill your brain, one cannot overdose due to smoking