Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Why should it be okay for people to get high off of marijuana and have a chance of taking an innocent person's life and several others? Someone may ask how is this topic related to a constitutional issue, well the Obama Administration has the power to go after people breaking the law of smoking recreational marijuana. But he obviously hasn’t. In other words “Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. and around the world.”(Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana, CNBC) Although this drug can be used to help people's pain, it is also being abused by people who think they’re being cool. In the aftermath, they are actually endangering themselves and others. Nothing in the constitution says the Federal Government can prohibit the use of marijuana. One article states “...the 10th Amendment makes explicit, that power is reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” (Americans Side With Constitution on Marijuana Laws, The New American) so the states get the power in choosing whether they allow marijuana or not. The Federal Government …show more content…

One gets about the same amount of side effects, just less severe, as the smoker. If one does not believe it, check the New Health Advisor because they have said “Marijuana use can affect a person's memory, IQ, judgment, and problem-solving skills.” (Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized?, New Health Advisor) If one thought marijuana was just a harmless drug because it doesn't have nicotine in it. To clarify, “In other words, they change how the brain works. Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals…” (Marijuana: Facts for Teens, National Institute on Drug Abuse) The brain is the control center for one's body. Without that working due to more than 400 chemical inhaled in one's body can totally shut down. Well, it’s good that someone thought twice and realized how much harm this can bring to one, if they inhale