Downfalls Of Legalizing Marijuana Essay

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Too Many Downfalls In the current state of the nation, the question of whether or not to legalize marijuana is prominent. Although legalizing this drug would increase the freedom of citizens, marijuana should not be made legal because it causes poor health, creates problems dealing with the lack of federal agencies to monitor its use, and brings up the idea that more drugs would become legalized in the future. Marijuana has been proven to worsen brain patterns and cause depression. If legalized, this drug would be used more, causing more people to undergo these negative effects. By using this drug, the overall welfare of the person’s body is being destroyed. Economically, this decline in health hurts businesses because it is difficult to hire someone who is under the effects of marijuana. Concerning virtue, no drug is morally correct to engage in because of their harmfulness. Marijuana should be illegal because it causes poor health outcomes, creating problems, not only among the body, but also among businesses in the nation. Another reason why marijuana should be illegal is because there is not currently a specific federal agency that can monitor the use of marijuana. If marijuana was legalized, there would need to be a form of monitoring to protect the people …show more content…

In public policy, inertia is present (Head 1). When a law is enacted, there tends to be laws related to the same topic that are soon enacted in the future. If marijuana was made legal to citizens, then more laws will be created that legalize more drugs. Although some may argue that marijuana is not too harmful, soon, the most harmful drug would be legalized and used by many citizens. This would continue to create problems dealing with the protection of the people and the expanded use of the black market. Marijuana should not be legalized because it would cause for more harmful drugs to be made legal in the near