Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The legalization of marijuana has caused many mixed feelings in society and it has become a wide-spread legal issue, even going to Congress to decide its fate. Some states, like Colorado, have made marijuana legal while others, like Texas, have kept it illegal. For these reasons, I oppose the legalization of marijuana: it causes health problems, it causes problems for bystanders, and it causes lifestyle issues of the consumer. Marijuana smoke contains known carcinogens and contains many of the same irritants in tobacco smoke. There is a strong association between marijuana use and the emergence of psychotic symptoms. Marijuana can cause people to hallucinate, which causes people to believe they need psychiatric help. Marijuana metabolites …show more content…

Early marijuana use is in association with the adoption of an anti-conventional lifestyle. Marijuana gives rise to delinquency and crime. High school teens, and even in some cases middle schoolers, are busted by trying to sell or buy drugs. Since the user’s judgement is impaired, if a group of kids get together and smoke, all the bad judgement adds up and bad things happen, just as getting caught vandalizing public property and going to juvenile detention. Adolescents take up other bad behaviors, including leaving school early, leaving their childhood home, and early parenthood. Users also experience relationship problems, sometimes leading to domestic abuse. There is a direct correlation between marijuana use and poor performance in high school. Also, shown is a decline in IQ, dropping 8 points if used consistently in youth. If someone has a bad history with drug abuse, such as having gone to jail, it could affect whether an employer wants that kind of person working for them. Occasionally, there is a manger that believes in second chances and will look past recorded jail time, but will make the person take a drug test and if they fail, they obviously haven’t quit their bad habits, and that looks bad to an