Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The drug marijuana, that goes by many other names, is obtained from the cannabis plant grown widely across the world. Marijuana is intended to be used as a medical drug, however it can be used within food, as an extract, smoked or vaporised. There is a lot of controversy where marijuana is concerned as well as many arguments as to whether or not it should be legalised. So, should it? Personally, I am all for the legalisation of marijuana.

Among the countless reasons as to why marijuana should be legalised, the one that appealed to me is the fact that marijuana offers several medical benefits. Medical marijuana has been legalised in 26 states in America and is being used more and more often to treat certain illnesses. Medical marijuana is commonly used to treat nausea, especially chemo-related nausea and vomiting. The National Cancer Institute in the United States of America was very pleased with the tremendous performance of the drug. This same institute discovered through their clinical trial that the drug increased the appetite and rate of weight gain in patients. The National Cancer Institute also conducted studies and that showed when marijuana is inhaled, patients had “improved moods, improved sense of well-being and less anxiety.” after reading about all of these benefits of marijuana I struggled to believe that marijuana specifically medical marijuana, could still be illegal when it can perform so well, even better than many legal and well-known drugs. I do not see why should thousands of people be deprived of a pain-relieving and beneficial drug? …show more content…

In 1944, the New York Academy of Science concluded from their research that “marijuana did not lead to significant