Should Marijuana Be Legalized In The 1920's

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People all over America are familiar with marijuana. A few of those people believe no one should be allowed to use it. They think the effects it has on the person will cause a disruptive effect on the person, which isn't the case at all. The US Congress banned marijuana for medical and recreational use in 1970 because of how they misused it in 1920's through the 1960's. Medical marijuana would also be beneficial in hospitals. Furthermore, the use of medical marijuana should be legalized in all states, although for medical purposes only. The first ever record of the use of marijuana was in 2737 BC by emperor Shen Nung of China. His writings were found, and it showed reference of the use of the plant cannabis in China. It was mainly used …show more content…

Where it became very popular in the market of both the north and south. It was sold as a source of fiber, alongside tobacco. It was mainly being grown down in the south, therefore it was less expensive in the south and it was more expensive in the north. By 1860 cotton had taken over the market and the want for marijuana was majorly decreased. It was still used in medicine but in very small amounts. Cocaine and opium had a higher dosage in the medicine even though it was more harmful towards the patient who took it. In the 1920’s people began to start taking marijuana again. Most historians believe it was Prohibition that made marijuana relevant again. Another reason people used it more often was for labor pains, nausea, and rheumatism. In the 1960’s marijuana was used commonly among college students and hippies as a form of rebellion against the government. Then in 1970 it was illegal to grow cannabis or have any form of marijuana in America. If you were found with any substance related to marijuana, you would have been sentenced to jail. In 1982, marijuana farms started to grow cannabis inside instead of outside. After trying to decrease marijuana …show more content…

There have been tests that show how much it helps with diseases and how it could be a treatment to prevent or cure a disease. It does not have nicotine or any other addictive qualities in it. Hospitals could benefit from having marijuana legalized. They wouldn’t have to go through a process to get permission from the state or government to allow a patient to receive marijuana in which case the patient could be in more pain or a worse state than they were before. There are multiple diseases and sicknesses that could benefit from marijuana. Some of those diseases and sicknesses are muscle spasms, glaucoma, epileptic seizures, Dravets Syndrome, cancer, anxiety, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and brain strokes. Research has been limited on marijuana in the medical field, but it has shown to not harm your lung capacity. They have found that using small amounts of marijuana can help prevent or stop cancer from spreading any further. Also, THC is an active chemical in marijuana that can slow down Alzheimer’s disease. There was a little girl, her name is Charlotte and she has Dravets Syndrome. She was 5 years old and having over 300 seizures a week. Doctors decided to have her take small amounts of medical marijuana everyday to see if it would help. Over a matter of a couple of weeks her seizures started to slowly decrease. Now instead of 300 seizures or more per week, she has only 7