Argumentative Essay: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Should Marijuana be legalized for ages 21+

There are many things that society looks down upon or considers wrong such as smoking, doing drugs and many more. Cannabis, some call it a drug others call it a herb or a medicine. Should a herb like Cannabis be illegal? What is Cannabis? Another name for Cannabis is Marijuana this is a plant that contains THC (Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) which is a mind altering drug. (ADAI 2012) Side effects of this drug can be: Dry mouth, drowsiness, numbness, laughter, and increase in appetite. Although society looks down on the usage of marijuana evidence states that there are benefits of using this herb. In this essay I will further outline why the usage of marijuana is more beneficial and why it should be legalized. …show more content…

Marijuana has been around for a very long time and it has been used tens and thousand years ago. But few years ago it has been made illegal because of the impact it has on the person’s body. Marijuana is a herb, a medical substance which can be used to help or cure many diseases. People are the most calm when they are intoxicated on marijuana. There have been cases where people have gotten drunk and murdered people. But when you are high all your thoughts are positive and you feel like your worries are nonexistent for that period of time. Marijuana is used as an antidepressant for people with a lot of depression (JOHNS 2013)
What does marijuana cure or