Arguments Against Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana: A Case Against Legalization
The debate on marijuana legalization is one of the hottest debates of the 21st century. Proponents of legalizing the drug claim that the drug is generally harmless, is not addictive, and would reduce the need for black market drugs. An analysis of the research proves that these claims are incorrect, and in fact are reasons that the drug should not be legalized.
Marijuana was first brought to the United States by the Spanish near the turn of the 18th century. At first, the crop was used for fiber, known as hemp, and was commonly grown alongside cotton. It wasn’t until prohibition during the 1920’s that marijuana caught on as a recreational drug. Although the drug was not seen as a threat to society, it was no secret that the drug had many intoxicating effects. …show more content…

However, the U.S Department of Justice has classified marijuana “as a Schedule I drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse” (Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Marijuana). Parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thinking, concentrating, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement are severely affected. Some of these senses can be so severely damaged that it could take up to seven days for the brain to recover. If marijuana is legalized, it would put the general population in danger. Not only is the brain affected by the drug during use, but research has shown that “chronic marijuana use may increase the risk of schizophrenia, and in high doses, the drug can produce acute psychotic reactions” (Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Marijuana). Mental health issues are already prevalent in our society. By legalizing marijuana, these issues would skyrocket, costing our healthcare system money, and tearing families