
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

525 Words3 Pages

Ever since we were kids, our parents, counselors, and other adults always warned us about drugs, and reminded us frequently that we should never use them. But we never really asked them why, or what the reason behind this very dangerous act was. Regardless of that, In the United States of America, every four out of five teenagers have experience with Marijuana. Marijuana is a green and grey mix of dried pieces of flowers and leaves of the hemp plant called cannabis sativa. It is very addictive, and it could lead to the corruption of this generation’s youth. Many teenagers first started smoking marijuana, and then started using harder drugs like cocaine because they were looking for a stronger and better high. The legalization of marijuana has been in debate for multiple years now, but the government always rejects it. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and all around the world. In my opinion, marijuana should never, ever be legalized. I for one would not be pleased if people around me were high. Marijuana smokers get “high” after they smoke. This means they don’t really control what theyre doing, and they could do …show more content…

Also, marijuana overdoses are now a huge epidemic. It has been linked with other drugs like heroin. Legalizing marijuana would lead to more people using it, and it is mind altering, so it would not only affect the person using it, but also the people around the person and his or her environment. Marijuana is very dangerous for AIDs patients and could lead to their death in the long run. Therefore, Marijuana makes sick people sicker. People might argue about it being legal since marijuana is used for medical purposes, but many researches state that there is no evidence yet that proves that marijuana for medical purposes is safe or affective at

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