
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalizing of Marijuana There are several campaigns to legalize the use of Marijuana in the Unites States these days. However, Marijuana is illegal in many countries right now such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom and so on. Also, I have heard that people say marijuana has no bad effects on bodies because it is made from natural leaves. Is it truth? In my opinion, Marijuana should be banned because of three reasons, such as possibility of death from the drug, mental disorder and damage on brain.
 First, using marijuana can be a cause of death. According to a research, people can be killed by marijuana. (Innes. M) German researchers identified that two men died because of using the drug. The UK National Drug Prevention Alliance mentioned the case is rare, but the drug is not safe completely and has effects on bodies. …show more content…

A British researcher studied the brains of nineteen marijuana users and nineteen non-marijuana users. The all marijuana users had experienced hallucinations during the research. Also their dopamine production was lower than the non-marijuana users. (Bryant. J) Dopamine is a compound of neurotransmitter and gives stimulation to brain. Less dopamine causes lack of ambition. They tend to feel no to want to do anything. Finally, the marijuana can be a cause of shrinking brain. A research shows that the brains of people who have used the drug since they were young, are smaller than non-marijuana users. (Dunham. W). The drug’s effect on body is less than tobacco or other drugs, but heavy users can have big effects on their body by using the drug. In conclusion, marijuana has bad effect on bodies even if it is not harmful as much as tobacco or other drugs. However, especially heavy users of marijuana can have serious effects such as mental disorder and shrinking brain. Also marijuana can be a cause of death. People who want to use marijuana should consider these

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