
Should Marijuana Be Legalized Essay

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Should the use of marijuana be legalized in the United States?
Marijuana is a type of plant that is used generally illegally as a psychotropic drug which affects a person’s mental state. A long time ago about 2000 years, marijuana was known for use as an hallucinogen. “ In Ancient Greece, cannabis is used as a remedy for earache, edema, and inflammation.”( druglibrary.org, 1972). According to my research of history on marijuana, many countries/people such as doctors used marijuana as a medical reasoning. However even though our ancestors used marijuana as medicines to heal their problems, people today do the way opposite. Many people tend to smoke marijuana illegally without any prescription. Many people argue whether marijuana should be …show more content…

According to an excerpt in “should the united states legalize marijuana” by Leah Barkoukis (2010), “Marijuana use affects one’s short-term memory, cognitive functions, coordination and balance, and in large doses, users can experience acute psychosis…these acute symptoms are providing to have a disastrous effect on driving, resulting in needless death and injuries when users get behind the wheel.” Marijuana may cause death or a major injury that can have a huge impact on your life. Another reason on why marijuana should be illegal is because it can affect the brain. “Its effects on thinking and memory may last a long time or even be permanent” (DrugFacts: Marijuana). Even though many people believe marijuana is a stress relieving drug, this is not true, it can damage your brain, especially young kids who aren’t even well developed yet. According to a discussion between rather marijuana should be legal or not, Kevin Sabet, a Former Senior Policy Advisor states that “Legalization would greatly reduce the price of marijuana, thereby significantly increasing use, especially among kids. This is a problem because the brain is developing until age 25” (Sabet 2012). So as you can see legalizing marijuana can have plenty of disadvantages to today’s society and may affect many of the

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