Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The legalization of marijuana will enhance societal ills which will outweigh the monetary benefits that could be achieved once legalized. Marijuana comes with significant cost burdens that will come with increased consumption of marijuana. Those burdens include a greater social cost, greater need for drug education, rehabilitation, and treatment, and costs associated with selling marijuana. A greater social cost will cause a decline in worker productivity and school performance if marijuana is legalized. The article said that if marijuana is legalized then employers and businesses will have a workforce that is not worth more, but less. Marijuana users will likely suffer from poor memory, lack of motivation, and emotional issues. Students …show more content…

For schools, this will take away from valuable learning time which can lessen their knowledge from lack of education. These students are learning about marijuana, how accessible it has become, how to say not to marijuana, and the consequences, but instead they could be learning math, english, or science. After marijuana is legalized there will be a greater need for drug rehabilitation facilities and treatment centers. Eventually, marijuana users will become addicted and face medical issues. These people will need to attend a rehabilitation or treatment center to help them go back to a normal life. The rehabilitation and treatment centers will require more money to operate which will cause an increase in cost and a decrease in the money available. The additional costs of drug education, rehabilitation, and treatment combined with the increase of societal ills are greater than the potential revenue gained through legalization. Tax payers will spend more money on marijuana education and drug treatment centers than ever before which will cause a decrease in the money gained from marijuana. The tax revenue gained from legalized marijuana will be used for prevention and treatment of marijuana, which will leave less money for the state to use to fund community projects or improvement