Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalize Marijuana The use of marijuana has always been an extremely controversial topic. From being outlawed for over 75 years to having more than Three Fourths of Americans who have tried the substance. (Addiction) Also, when you have 72% of Americans who have total agreement that small marijuana possession should not result in arrest, there should be no possibility of jail time. Marijuana currently is classified as a controlled substance; U.S. law currently prohibits the possession and use of a wide array of psychoactive drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, ecstasy, and others. Yet despite more than a century of law enforcement, drug awareness programs, and attempts to clamp down on the international drug trade, illegal drugs remain available for those willing to break the law to obtain them. The Marijuana industry could increase the amount of tax currency, and physical U.S. dollars. Marijuana has been illegal in the U.S. since Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 a trend supported by the administration of President Jimmy Carter (D, 1977–81), who told Congress that "penalties against drug use should not be …show more content…

“According to estimates by economist Miron, the legalization of marijuana would generate $10 billion–$14 billion in savings and tax revenue annually, an estimate endorsed by other top U.S. economists.” (Decriminalizing Marijuana) Money for the enforcement of marijuana prohibition is paid with taxpayer’s money, and is eating away at their wallets. (Decriminalizing Marijuana) Other than tax savings, legalization would provide a whole new job market in the United States. For example, some occupations would include dispensary ownership, budtenders, growers, cultivators, security workers, and manufacturers. (Survey Finds) Not only would legalization benefit the American people economically, it would make citizens more