Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Some people believe that marijuana is one of the most dangerous and worst drugs out there and they belive that there is no benifts from marijuana and that it would kill you .There's also many people who believe that marijuana should be legalized for recreational purposes and also for medical purposes.It would benift every one it would help raise money for the state and it would help people who have had a bad recoerd and cant get jobs or into schools.Some kids would even benifit from canniibies. I believe that we should legalise it Some people believe that marijuana should be illegal and should not be allowed and should remain banned but they don't know the benefit it has. George Newton is against legalization of marijuana, He believes …show more content…

For the people who might want marijuana legalised for recreational purposes they aren't harm themself as much as tobacco and alcohol . In fact a study has shown that marijuana was capable of increasing lung capacity unlike tobacco and doesn't harm the function of the lung. A person who smokes tobacco can lose their lungs function unlike a marijuana users lung function increased over time. Do you know how many people have died from marijuana ? Zero. yes It is impossible for a person to overdose on marijuana It was claimed that marijuana helps many people with nausea and relieved pain. This is why marijuana is frequently used for relieving chemotherapy side effects. A recent study showed that marijuana, if taken in lower doses, improved mood, as it reduces anxiety. infact opponents say that marijuana causes crime but yet again they have not noticed that most crimes due to marijuana is because it is illegal but the drug doesn't make you do crazy thing it self. People who consume marijuana for recreational purposes demand legalizing marijuana because they claim that alcohol and tobacco was legal although it caused more harm to a your body and had no benefits.marijuana is good for many thing such as Preventing Blindness Decreases Anxiety Preventing Cancer. Marijuana could help you in your health and in your mood and it can even benefit the government and the