Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Bernie sanders says, “It is time to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol. It is time to end the arrests of so many people and the destruction of so many lives for possessing marijuana.” We should legalize marijuana. because It would help decrease the amount of money needed for prisons to spend on inmates due to the decreased amount of criminals and It helps cure cancer while also helping with other health ailments. First of all how does marijuana work? What does it do to the human body and what does it help? Marijuana can help with a list of different mental ailments including, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many others. It can also helps reduce the growth of cancer cells and even kill them off. Marijuana comes from the marijuana plant which …show more content…

These cannabinoids have many different uses with each different chemical makeup. CBD and THC are the two main cannabinoids used by consumers today. THC effects CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors affect the liver in helping maintaining homeostasis. CB1 receptors also have been found to affect appetite, concentration and pain tolerance. CB2 receptors help the immune system and help suppress programmed cell death. CBD creates enzymes that act upon these receptors. Marijuana is a great help to the medical industry financially and health wise. A lot of people argue that marijuana is not safe to smoke which, can be agreed on by many, that inhaling smoke is not safe in general. Well with the knowledge and practice an experience a dispensary or growery could take the plant itself and extract the oils from it and make it into all different kinds of foods and supplements. Many other countries have made marijuana legal. Starting with Argentina where over 130 families signed a petition to allow children with epilepsy, seizures and other ailments access to medical marijuana. Next, Ecuador has very exceptional climate conditions for growing marijuana and that shows potential for a new exportable product accessible to the U.S. The country of Portugal saw a decreased number in hard drug uses and less overdoses after legalizing