
Persuasive Essay On Obama Care

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There has been a longstanding debate about the price, quality, and access of health care in the United States. This debate has become increasingly controversial since the departure of president Bush and the succession of president Obama. Under the 44th president, the iron triangle, in relation to healthcare, has become drastically distorted with the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. In a perfect society health care would be easily attainable for everyone; there is no questioning that aspect of this debate. However, everything has a cost and someone has to pick up the tab. It simply is not possible for healthcare quality to remain at a high performance level when such care is so easily accessed by everybody. Healthcare is an essential factor in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but a person’s negative rights should not be taken away to pay for the life of another. An individual can not be denied for preexisting health condition under Obamacare which creates an incentive for an individual to withhold getting insured until the problem arises. Under Obamacare a person cannot be denied if a person gets …show more content…

American individual’s pockets will be depleted because of the increased access to healthcare. Insurance premiums are on the rise with the added coverage of people with pre-existing conditions, people who constantly get sick in the midst of coverage, and people usually cannot afford the coverage. In order to support the livelihood of the people who are usually denied access, the individuals will be forced to pay more in order to balance that section of the iron triangle. It is not right that these people were denied access, but forced coverage is not the answer because it takes away from a person’s right to

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