Persuasive Essay On Obesity Epidemic

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The Obesity Epidemic Imagine a world where the parents live longer than their own children and the parents will have to bury their own child. This all started in the 70’s with processed food when the divorce rates when up and people needed an easy way to make food. Then in the 80’s the food companies started offering different portion sizes and added corn syrup to processed food. The millennials have been the most affected by this uprising in the fast food industry. A lot of these fast food companies have caused many people to become obese and get obesity related diseases. Some obesity related disease can be different types of cancer, stroke, and diabetes but there are many more that obesity can cause. The millennials will be the ones to fix these obesity related disease by making the right choice on what to eat everyday. On the other hand, young adults can make this problem more severe and serious than what it is by making the wrong choices. Fast food companies have been put to blame …show more content…

When a person is obese that means he or she weighs at least 20% more than what is considered normal for the person’s height. This obesogenic society is only getting worse especially with the health complications that come along with obesity. Some of these health complications are heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, Gallbladder disease and different types of cancers. In 2010 at least 2.5 million Americans have died of obesity related diseases and in 2014 the percentage of obese people in America was 70.2% according to NIDDK. This is not affecting just adults it is affecting everyone from kids to millennials. The young adults are the ones who can fix this ongoing problem because they will be the future leaders, lawmakers, and parents. If this generation does not do anything to change the eating habits, it will be the first time in which parents outlive their

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