Persuasive Essay On Right To Die

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Right to Die I, “Dawn Saul want Euthanasia”, November 1, 2017. Shocking? In the country of Belgium, that statement, along with a signature, is all that is legally necessary for a doctor to administer a fatal cocktail of drugs for an assisted suicide. Why? To alleviate constant and unbearable suffering; it is the poignant argument for the ‘Dying with Dignity’ movement around the world today. By legalizing euthanasia, either assisted or self-administered, we honor and respect the individual's freedom of choice. Euthanasia provides patients with a practical and humane recourse which is peaceful, quick and serene. Implementing assisted suicide would give terminally ill and suffering patients the chance to ‘die with dignity.’
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a retired doctor, assisted in patient suicides. Dr. Kevorkian became interested in the issue after learning that doctors in 1994 in the Netherlands were helping people die by lethal injection. His actions sparked a heated national debate regarding the "right to die" issue. It was his mission to bring legalization and recognize the overwhelming desires of people to end unnecessary suffering. This issue was first brought to light by the 'suicide doctor' in the 1980's. He was tried and eventually convicted of second-degree murder for …show more content…

Euthanasia is a universal subject even if someone is not personally considering assisted suicide. Dr. Fenigsen writes, “We are equal in our ability to suffer, fear, and hope, and equal in our final necessity to face death and die” (Fenigsen, 100). Foremost, this decision affects the patient and their families. This is exhausting, emotionally, physically and financially. Furthermore, Dr. Fenigsen continues, “Many of us strongly feel that every human being's life, beginning with our own, has inestimable value” (Fenigsen,