Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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School shootings have become an epidemic in the USA. Almost every day, another school is targeted by a disgruntled student who has gained a weapon from one way or another. I believe that gun laws in the united states should be changed to prevent future school shootings. If this happens, then there shouldn’t be anymore student casualties from gun attacks. I would like to set it straight that I don’t have a problem with guns. I have fired guns and understand why people feel like they would like to own them. I understand the reasoning of safety and I see why people like collecting them. What I don’t understand is how the government finds it ok to stand by and do nothing while students are killed. For example, when Australia had one mass shooting, …show more content…

I feel like the politicians should forget about offending the people who want to keep their precious little guns and make a move to keep kids from dying.
I feel like the topic of school shootings being problems is not trivial. Almost any normal person believes that school shootings are atrocities and most people agree that something should be done to try and prevent future attacks. The point that is controversial about the whole school shooting subject is the possibilities of gun laws being changed. Personally, I believe that the most effective way to prevent these events is to change gun laws and get rid of the public’s ability to own weapons all together. The only problem about this idea is that Hell would freeze over before the US government removed guns from America. I have some other ideas about what to do, but before I list these ideas, I would just like to mention that I know nothing about the law and this is just coming from what I believe is common sense. Firstly, the government could take note of what Australia did and make all semi automatic weapons illegal. There is not a single reason for someone to own a semi auto rifle. If