
Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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During the 2017-2018 school year there have been 23 school shootings! Lots of school were not prepared. Therefore, schools should have school shooting drills grades k-12.
Students Grades k-12. Should know the appropriate thing to do during it. Studies show that students do better when not knowing the drill is coming, the site free range kids says ¨That at a school they had an unannounced lockdown drill, it had all the students and teachers in panic, they all scrambled to a place to hide and emergency people came around banging on doors acting like an intruder, but now the students know what to do in these situations.” So, those students when a lockdown possibly happens they will do better because, of that drill. Most of the time students freak out in these situations, if we had school shooting drills, if the time comes….Students won't be as scared. The atlantic explains that ¨One kid is always in tears.¨ If / when schools held drill students won't be as scared, also if we un-announced them , we will be not nearly as scared. Adding on with the information that the site gives us, ¨Sometimes a faculty, member plays the role of the shooter, jiggling door knobs as children practiced being completely silent.¨If that school were to have a shooting those …show more content…

Tons of schools have been having school shooting drills to prepare. This site new yorker states that public schools a couple years ago participated in school drills, this is what is explains ¨According to most recent federal data, during

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