Persuasive Essay On Second Hand Smoke

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Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, responsible for more than 480,000 deaths every year, or 1 in every 5 deaths according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cigarette smoke contains around 4,800 chemicals, 69 of those can cause cancer (“Smoking & Tobacco Use”). These facts shine a light on the point that smoking cigarettes is dangerous for an individual or anyone around the person smoking. Smoking should be eliminated all together in Public Places and in a vehicle with a child!
If one person smokes, the whole vicinity smokes! Whether this statement describes smoking in a workplace, home, or an apartment building, smoking affects everyone in proximity of the individual smoking. Worldwide, second-hand smoke causes an estimated 600,000 premature deaths each year, with 47% in women and 28% in children. Secondhand smoke has the same harmful chemicals that smokers inhale. Therefore there is no safe level of exposure for secondhand smoke. Young children are most affected by secondhand smoke and least able to avoid it. Most of their exposure to secondhand smoke comes from adults smoking at home. “Studies have shown that children whose parents smoke are more likely to circum to the following: get sick, have lung …show more content…

Because smoking is not allowed in public, people are only allowed to smoke in their homes. This would mean that as long as they are out of their homes for instance at work, when they eat out, or even at the parks, they cannot smoke. Smokers will have to wait until they get home to partake in smoking. As a result, their cigarette consumption reduces and they smoke less. Also, should they have an urge to smoke in public they will put in extra effort to eliminate the craving because it is punishable by law. Therefore, this allows them to abstain from smoking. (“Smokefree Policies Reduce