Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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There is many rules and laws when it comes to having or using your cellular device. But are these laws really reasonable? Let’s say you are driving down the road and you receive an important call but you don’t answer because it is a law. Or let’s put you in another situation where you are in school and you receive an important text from your mother or father but you can’t respond. Many places have so many cell phone restrictions that are made to stop us from using our devices. Should we continue to permit these places to block us from being connected to our surroundings. Here in Michigan and in many other states there are many rules when it comes to having cell phones on the road. But why do they continue to have most laws when they are being broken or we find a way to get through them? Also it’s not like the cops can see that we are actually using our phones unless we have them physically next to our ears. But there are devices like earphones and bluetooth headsets that help us use our phones. Texting and driving could be very dangerous but there are ways to get around this.FOr example speaking to your phone like siri. …show more content…

We also understand that many school have a strict no cellphone policy and I completely disagree with it and I am sure that I am not the only one. We students should be able to use our phone in class but we should have some restrictions. We deserve the opportunity to show how mature we can be. This rule should only apply to certain grades. For example high school. There could be a family emergency and we wouldn’t be able to know because our phone is in the locker. We students deserve an