Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and driving is dangerous around the world. Every day people are getting hurt or in worst scenarios dying from texting while driving. Who are you putting at risk? You are putting people in your car at risk, you at risk and everyone around you at risk!
People are trying to put a stop in driving while texting, but they're doing it all wrong! They are telling everyone to stop, but do you think teens go to these assemblies of texting and driving, most likely not. It's crazy 11 teens die from texting and driving in the usa a day, and 12 teens die from people texting while driving, according to (AAA members) 8395 teens getting into car crashes lead by texting and driving a year. Witch 21% of 8395 accidents are fatal! That means 1811 teens die from texting and driving a year (AAA Members). …show more content…

Did you know that out of every 4 car crashes, 1 of them is caused by texting while driving. There are 1.6 million crashes a year caused by phones (AAA Members). That's why there is a perfect solution We have to raise the punishment for texting and driving. In most states the punishment is $30 as a ticket, which most people can pull that money out there pocket, no problem. So if we raise the money to $500 or more it would be much harder to pay. If that is done people will think twice before texting while driving. Every time you pick up that phone while driving it increases your chance of crashing by 20% (Erin Shumaker).
There is a 40% chance of getting into a accident while texting and driving and there is a 9% chance it could be fatal (Erin Shumaker). When I say was 12 I was in a drive through waiting to get mcdonalds but then we had to wait about a minute. Which is a great example because he was very distracted and if that was on the road it could of lead into huge problems. That i'm sure he would not want to