
Persuasive Essay On The Treaty Of Versailles

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The Treaty of Versailles stands as one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. While it formally ended World War 1 and forced Germany to pay reparations, it also inspired Germany’s vicious descent into one of the worst genocides the world has seen. The Treaty of Versailles became Germany's scapegoat- being used as an excuse for Germany to act disgracefully and not be held accountable for it. While the Treaty of Versailles was a shameful and heavy wound for Germany to bare, it also left an open spot for someone -Hilter- to help Germany find itself again. Someone who would be able to unbury Germany from the hole they found themselves in. This is what led to Hitler taking control and why the treaty was so beneficial for him. …show more content…

This left them vulnerable and open to manipulation. The treaty was not a cause of Hitler waging war, it only served as an excuse for it. The treaty was a way to manipulate German citizens into wanting what he craved. It served as the first spark that ignited the propaganda, invasions, and disloyalty towards the appeasements and treaties. Even if the Treaty of Versailles was redacted or allowed Germany to have larger borders or chosen military forces, Hitler still would have continued chasing more until he made Germany the leading country in the world. Hilter’s goal was to create a country full of Aryan ultranationalists who would stop at nothing to gain power and dominance over the rest of the world and he believed the treaty was his way to excuse that.

Hilter’s first step to creating his army of …show more content…

However Hitler has proven that he would have expanded Germany provoked or not. Hitler stated on multiple occasions that it was in Germany’s national interest to expand. He believed that the inevitable expansion would solve overpopulation, provide natural resources, and most importantly uphold Germany's honour establishing it as the largest therefore most powerful country. Hitlers goal was to make Germany the leading country in the world so he used propaganda to keep that message alive and pursued his goal through takeovers and disregarding treaties and appeasements. Hitler would have pursued takeover with or without Versailles. If he thought expansion was Germany's national interest, he would have stopped at nothing to make that interest a reality, treaty or

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