Persuasive Essay On Transhumanism

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The world is in for serious trouble if the governing of artificial intelligence is not enforced soon. The world needs strong and reliable safeguards to manage artificial intelligence usage about, quantum computers, autonomous machines and transhumanism, or the world will have a serious crisis on its hands.
Artificial intelligence will cause many social concerns that may impact society on a global scale. Thus, people must put safeguards and laws in place to make sure it doesn't get out of control. One of the major concerns about emerging technologies is the possibility of the technologies only being available to a select group of corporations and agencies who do not have the interest of the people in mind. This is dangerous because their goals …show more content…

What affect will this have on future societies? Is it a good idea to transport a person's consciousness into a different biological or robotic body, and will this lead to discrimination against a new group of intelligent beings that are no longer human or vice versa? This is what transhumanism is all about. How then could the human race survive if this type of human tampering is not completely outlawed. Strong laws and harsh punishments must apply to the prevention of transhumanism at all cost. There are some people who want transhumanism to happen, and are trying to make it happen, but is this what's best for the human race as a whole? Who then will be in charge of artificial intelligence exponential growth? Will it be the man or the machines who are running the show? Will this hybrid being even be alive? Will it be able to reproduce and have babies? Will everyone assimilate with these technological advanced machines because they have no choice? Will people worship them as gods? Transhumanism is not the natural occurrence of mankind. Just because machines are getting smarter than humans, doesn't mean people should merge with them to survive. No one should tolerate