Persuasive Essay On Why Guns Are Bad

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Many of the injuries that happen a year to people could have been prevented if the person was carrying a firearm or had a firearm near by. Laws keep people from feeling safe and make them worried about having a gun to keep themselves safe they feel like if they ever used a gun they would go to jail right away even if they had a solid reason to use it. “Most (58%) worry that new laws would make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and families” (Why Own a Gun?). They all worry because they know that if they shot someone who broke in that they would most likely be tried for murder knowing the prosecutors and the laws today. It wouldn't be a hard fight to win but most don't want to go through it right now because they don't want the troubles of hiring a lawyer and going to court or jail. It would also be harder to protect your family if you are out on a trip with them or not home.
There are several break ins that …show more content…

“The more law-abiding Americans who carry a gun, the safer they are,the safer we are, and the safer our natural, civil and constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms” (Beginners: Three Reasons You Should Carry A Handgun). If more people carried a firearm we would be a lot safer. If someone was at a store and a robbery was to go down the person with the firearm can potentially save several lives. The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun. “Criminals don’t like finding themselves on the business end of a gun barrel any more than the rest of us do” (Pros and Cons of Gun Ownership for Home Security). If someone’s intent is to hurt people they are going to look for a place where they think that no one has any way to defend themselves. If they pull out a firearm and someone else pulls out a firearm that's going to make the criminal scared because no one wants to look down a