Persuasive Essay On Year Round Education

1679 Words7 Pages

Sarah Gibbs
Mrs. Mctier
March 27th 2017
Research Paper

Year-Round Education: A solution to the National D Average
Are the children of the Bahamas to illiterate to be educated and why are the children of the Bahamas constantly maintaining a national D average? Why isn’t anyone coming up with a feasible solution to solve this drastic issue? The Bahamas has fallen behind in the way children are properly educated. The national average for many bjc exams and bgcse exams are a D letter grade. The results have been like this for over the last three years. It is the time that parents and guardians of our children seek to educate their children differently. It is time for the ministry of education to but in place a new method of educating …show more content…

Students will be in school for longer amounts of days in the year thus by shortening the school day they will not lose precious teaching time. Accordingly they will learn more throughout the school year because the school year would be longer. In year-round schools, they can start later and end earlier than normal public and private schools. This allows students of these schools more time to focus on completing homework and being more rested. They don’t have to worry about waking up early thus can get more sleep. Parents will also see the benefit in this as they can leave the house later and drop their children to school quicker. Parents will be able to do this because they don’t have to compete with the traffic rush of other …show more content…

By having a multi-track system it solves the issue of overcrowding. Since students are at school at different time periods the school won’t be overcrowded with students because some students will always be off. This would allow for a better student to teacher ratio considering the fact that fewer students would be enrolled at a time meaning fewer students will be crammed into one classroom. This also allows for more space in classrooms and more time for teachers to spend helping students understand as there are fewer students to focus on. The multi-track system also allows for fewer schools to be built since the schools can enroll a larger amount of students because students will be there in