Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Thomson should follow the year round school model because it is beneficial for ESL students, it helps students retain more information, and many students actually enjoy having a year round school schedule. Firstly, year round schooling is beneficial for ESL students because they are able to practice the English language without a two month break. A pilot project from the Peel District School Board found that ESL students benefited from learning at a year round school. According to principal Sheryl Johnston, "If they've been home for nine weeks [...] and haven't heard and haven't been able to practice English, that is part of a unique learning loss"(Ireland 2016). Thomson is a multicultural school with a lot of students from all around the world …show more content…

Secondly, with a nine week long vacation over the summer, students usually don't study or look over their notes, leading them to forget important information they need for the next course. A study obtained by The Globe and Mail found that “children who have only a one-month summer break do better in math, retain more of their lessons and need less time for review” (Stechyson 2010). Having a year round school schedule will help students remember important information and in result needing less time to review work from the previous year. If Thomson changed to a year round school model, it would benefit both students and teachers because teachers would not have to waste time reviewing course material from the prerequisite course. Teachers can get started with the course material faster and students won't struggle with remembering the previous course information. Lastly, many students enjoy a year round school schedule. According to The Peel District School Board, “any student that asked could opt out of the program. [...] But only three percent of students wanted out” (“Canada's largest year-round