
Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Year-round school is a modern alternative to the traditional schedule. It is a quite interesting topic because it has a very good chance at being education’s next schedule format. Whether it is a good alternative or not is up for debate. In order to come to a conclusion about this debate, there are a few questions that must be answered. One of the first questions that must be answered is: would a transition from the traditional schedule to a year-round schedule improve overall test scores? This question is relevant to today's education system because standardized testing has become very prominent in recent years. Another question that can be asked about year-round school is: would the year-round schedule affect attendance of students who are currently in high school? This …show more content…

One of those is that year-round school should be implemented into today's schools. One of the things he says to support, is that there is no reason kids nowadays should be out doing whatever they want over the long break and instead be in school. Another main point the author has is that year-round education increases test scores. The ideas that can be inferred from this and in fact are talked about in the article is that kids in year-round school retain information better than the kids on the traditional schedule because of the difference in lengths of the breaks. One of the research questions that can be answered by this article is would year-round education improve test scores. The answer is absolutely because the whole article is almost solely based off the idea that year-round education will improve test scores. Another research question that can be answered is, is year-round education prefered by students? Although it may not be answered about students in this article it does give many added benefits for teachers. The educators have a much more balanced schedule and increased pay if there are more days added to the

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