Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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Year round school is a bad idea. You could save a lot of money if you don't do it. Students need a break from over exhaustion. Another thing is that there is no effect on your test scores. Here are some of the reasons why its a bad idea:

Test scores are in good shape because Alexander city schools saw steady declines since switching school calendars and had the lowest test scores among the six school districts in Alabama have used six year round school calendar district wide for at least three years. Also there was a report by Alan C.Anderson that said if we do year round school teachers would not have enough time to finish an effective curriculum which will affect students education. The reason why for the school calendar is setup to only have only 180 days is to ensure there is an effective curriculum in place timely. Yet there exists a substantial body of work which shows insignificant differences in educational achievement between students in year round school and students with traditional calendars. The Science Daily reported that although there is a year round curriculum, the plan is based on the average 180 days curriculum. Research does support there is no evidence in having a year-round curriculum gives the students a better chance of improving their test scores. …show more content…

Year round school will bring a heavier workload to create a full year curriculum which will not allow the teachers much time to prepare. The Education Week website says that these breaks not only give teachers their mini vacation but time to re-energize and motivate himself. One of the teacher’s responsibilities is not just to teach but to motivate the students. Like teachers, students are already stressed with their current homework load to meet testing