Stressed Woman Under Fire Research Paper

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Stressed Woman Under FireDo you sometimes feel like you’re under fire, constantly trying to avoid a relentless stream of problems? You might be so used to it that it’s become “normal”, but here’s an important point regarding life: difficulties are inevitable – your response is a choice.In Other Words … Stress Is A Choice

This may come as a surprise to you because your reactions to difficult situations are so automatic. But if you begin meditating, you will soon see that indeed, stress is a choice, and you’ll learn to choose serenity and happiness.

Think about what happens when you sit in contemplation.

When you shut out all distractions and focus on your breath; your body relaxes and you disconnect from the burdens …show more content…

You’ve got grace under fire, to a greater degree than before you meditated. And what’s truly marvelous is that with practice, you can develop grace under fire in any situation. You will no longer react impulsively but respond in a way that improves the situation.

When you meditate and become aware of your thoughts, you begin to have mastery over your mind. With practice, you will become aware of your thoughts outside of meditation, and you will be able to replace those that do not serve you. Most of the thoughts that run unchecked through your mind are thought habits… and like any habits, you can develop new ones.Become Aware Of Your Emotions

When you meditate, you also become aware of your emotions. And again, with practice, you can develop the ability to manage them. Then, a difficult situation won’t cause you to fall back on a habitual stress reaction. Instead, you’ll respond with calm, rational thoughts and actions.

Contemplate the subtle difference between “react” and “respond.” That is what mastery of your emotions will allow you to do.Opportunity To Change Your