Peru Vigilantes Sociology

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In a way vigilantes are a positive part of society. Yet, only to a certain extent. If we are talking about someone who just got a purse back that was stolen then they are pretty helpful. However, some vigilantes are more extreme than that previous example. Although not all vigilantes have the same ideals or extremes, they still aid in today's society. With crime being so high not all crimes are reported or even have evidence to prove guilt. In Peru, they have citizen patrol units, or “rondas urbanas,” that help keep order. They help the police catch many criminals that may have gone free. One of the most popular patrol leaders, Chuquilin, helps judge cases that the authorities would consider to be minor. Such as cases dealing with property …show more content…

They hold an extremely high power in Peru, however, they abuse what they are given. In many cases the urban patrols whip or beat the transgressor, which seems to be a very harsh way of punishing them. Yes, they may get a confession from the “criminal”, but they do so by beating them repeatedly. The idea that they are helping society and the police catch this culprit makes them believe this punishment is not such a bad action. However, they may be hurting innocent people and no one seems to have a problem with the punishments. In fact, in the article Fernando Chuquilin proclaims, “‘That’s how we deal with this kind of thief,’” after beating a man for his confession. Sadly these harsh treatments are videoed and put up for millions to watch on YouTube, which should be a violation on his part. The state's chief justice, even endorses the rondas urbanas due to their accessibility and safety guarantee. Each transgressor is publicly humiliated to ensure their actions will not occur again, yet this punishment, just seems more like a violation than a helping …show more content…

They are expected to help the police and even are recommended by the government. If I was in charge they would not be in such a high power, so we would need to change the behaviors of the current and future police. This could be done by providing extra training and a more in depth education. To really ensure a long term change, we would also have to recruit and hire more law enforcement. I would have each officer in a different specialty to really excel at their job because many people do not believe the police are doing their job or if so they are not doing it well. As a leader of peru I would want my citizens to feel safe and be able to trust their government, who should be putting safety as a priority. Though many people many still not trust the government system, it would be nice if more of the population could feel safe, peaceful, and at