Peta Mission Statement

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This report is an organizational audit compiled of information composed of the non-profit animal rights organization known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, (PETA). The information gathered is a brief summary of PETA’s history, mission statement, organizational goals, finical records, organizational issues, and public opinion. The factual elements presented in this documentation are to pertain to a public relations stance and are derived in efforts of better understanding the organization in a report format. PETA was created by two co-founders, Alex Pachecho and Ingrid Newkirk in 1980. The organization first received mainstream attention regarding the Silver Spring monkey case, in which the organization had accumulated various photos depicting the abusive conditions of seventeen macaque monkeys within a behavioral research laboratory located in Maryland. Not only did the photos command a public outcry over the condition of the monkeys, but the case reached legal litigations. It was the first animal cruelty case the reach the United States Supreme Court, and as a result the case amended the 1985 Animal Welfare Act. From this case PETA established itself as an international animal’s rights activist group and a staple …show more content…

PETA’s mission statement observes the preservation of all animals rights on a global level and references its more than five million stakeholders internationally that provide monetary, verbal, and physical support to the organization and its goals. The organization also takes firm pride in its slogan phrase, Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. This slogan is often presented on website dialog and is the foundation in which the organization represents its

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