Pharmacy Field Experience Paper

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At the start of our P3 year one experience we complete is an IPPE at a hospital-based pharmacy setting. Before starting this experience, there are a few goals which I plan on achieving. The first goal is to develop a greater understanding on the use and applications of different antibiotics in actual practice. I believe this can be measured by being having more confidence when dealing with them and being able to provide answers to antibiotic questions when necessary which would be relevant to the job of a pharmacist. I believe this goal is achievable in the three weeks although more studying will be necessary after this to develop a greater understating of more therapies and future therapies. The second goal I would like to achieve is to gain a greater knowledge of anticoagulation therapy. I feel that this could be measurable in that I would be able to make decisions on if a therapy is appropriate and then …show more content…

Pharmacist at this facility work throughout the hospital, but the main pharmacy is in the lower level of the hospital. I feel that this hospital was moderately busy but having little experience with the large hospital setting it is difficult to give a definite answer. I can say that it was busier during the early morning opposed to later in the day where it felt slower. Additionally, the staff load felt appropriate as it didn’t seem like there was too many or too little pharmacists for what they did. During my experience there were apparent concerns that I saw, except a new change in their computer system Epic which prompted changes for pharmacists to make unnecessary adjustments from IV to oral. This was more of an annoyance to the pharmacists there. Some of the services provided to by the pharmacy at this location include compounding prescriptions, anticoagulation therapy dosing and management, antibiotic stewardship, and medication