Philosophy Of Leadership Essay

490 Words2 Pages

Salaam Knanga
Mrs. Fisher/Mrs. Kelly
LAUNCH Global Business
4 January 2023

My Perspective on Leadership: Personally, I believe that being a leader is all about the ability to not only hold others accountable but to hold yourself accountable just as much. Leadership is about inspiring and empowering others to be their best selves. It's about creating an environment where people can work together to achieve their goals. Good leaders set a positive example, communicate openly, and provide support and guidance. They also understand the impact their actions have on people whether it be their family, their team, their organizations or just their friends.

Core Values - The Foundation for my Philosophy
I want to pursue my place as a leader by following these values.
Determination - Determination is a key quality for any leader to possess. It allows them to stay focused and motivated in the face of challenges and setbacks, and to keep pushing forward until they achieve their goals. Without determination, it can be easy for a leader to become discouraged and lose sight of their vision. Determination is also contagious, and can inspire and motivate others to stay committed and keep working towards a common goal. For these reasons, determination is an essential quality for any leader to have, as it allows them to persevere in the …show more content…

It serves as a positive role model for others and exhibits a strong work ethic and commitment to getting things done. It can inspire and motivate a team to work hard when a leader is willing to put in the effort. Working hard is also essential for success since it enables a leader to overcome obstacles and accomplish their objectives. Hard labor also fosters character development and discipline, two traits that are critical for any leader to have. All things considered, successful leadership requires hard work, which is vital for success and gaining the respect of