
A Philosophy Of Leadership Essay

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Leadership is the most common word on the lips of people in politics, workplace, households, churches and many other areas. There is a constant desire for one or a collective to be led, to obtain a sense of direction in the right place at the right time. At times it appears and is expected from Presidents, at a Macro level to demonstrate leadership, however in our Society, where our democracy is embedded in the founding principles of the people shall govern – government of the people by the people. It’s a phenomenon which may be explained thorough paradoxes, personalities and styles.

Living in a Country or a system, by virtue of a democratic state or nature, where ordinary people are expected to govern, Leadership is a must, not an option. …show more content…

These metaskills teaches us to seek to understand ourselves better, by knowing oneself assists you to identify both your strengths and weaknesses, capabilities and talents , which leads to self-mastery. Then you can learn to understand others as Nelson Mandela taught us to accept and tolerate others in the spirit of humanity. Leaders are followed due to the exquisite visions they possess, which necessitates all leaders to have a sense of direction towards an anticipated destination. This vision will transcend beyond self and cover your family, workplace, province, country and perhaps the entire world. Key to leadership is self-awareness, which is an important pre-requisite for acknowledging and understanding power and group dynamics. “No man is an island” as a result, an encounter with group or collective work is inevitable. Part of the advantages of working in groups is that two or more hands/minds are better than one, having said that dynamic forces exists, prompting for the clarification of an objectives, goals, tasks, roles, rules, boundaries and

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