
Leadership Philosophy Statement

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There are many things that I would like to accomplish over the next 3 to 5 years. The one thing that I would like to complete over all others is being commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force by way of Officer Training School (OTS). I will first explain the type of leader I believe I am now. Then I will illuminate how I plan to improve my leadership effectiveness over the next three to five years and reach my goal. Finally, I will describe the way I want my subordinates, peers, and supervisors to perceive me as a leader.
From the enlightenment of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy Intermediate Leadership Experience course, I have realized that I show behaviors of different leadership tendencies that make up the type of leader …show more content…

This will take me far in the officer ranks and enable me to make change where change is needed. There has been plenty of things that that I found throughout my career that needed to be changed, but did not have the ability to change it. This is one of the biggest reasons that I am seeking a commission. I would like to be perceived by my subordinates as an ethical, hardworking leader that cares about their ideas and individual concerns. This will create better followers that will come to me with issues in order to get them solved. I want to positively affect my subordinates by creating that change that I was denied in the past. Additionally, I want my peers to think of me as competent and fair. This will make them want to solicit feedback from me and be involved in projects together. This collaboration will help us all succeed by developing each other and bolstering the unit(s) that we are in. Finally, I want my supervisors to perceive me as committed and competent leader that can be self-managed with the initiative to get things done. This will foster good relationships in which I can lean on to create the change for my peers and subordinates. From this, I will be a more effective leader and

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