Leadership Philosophy Statement

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As a principal, one must be an effective leader to create a school environment that enables the faculty and staff to improve student achievement, the main objective of any school. As an effective principal, I will constantly look for data and make necessary changes to the school strategic plan to improve the student performance. As a steward, and visionary leader, the principal must buy in as much as from everyone inside the building. Leading by example, set forth a positive climate, communicating effectively with stake holders and set a strategic direction for school are some of the characteristics of an exceptional leader. Ideally, all activities and programs within the school should be aligned to the strategic goals set by the planning committee. It is very important as a leader to manage change within the school that involves preparing people for working differently and motivating them to modify their behavior in some cases. …show more content…

Federal Civil rights laws and other educational laws helped in abolishing discriminations and prohibitions, and achieving equality to a greater extent. Celebrations like Black History Month, Hispanic Month, and others are minimal efforts to address diversity. An educated teacher has to understand that norms, nonverbal communications, languages, and responses to different situations are different in different cultures. A teacher has to have the knowledge required for becoming culturally responsive and responsible. The multi-cultural educator has to institutionalize the process of this awareness by getting into community and discussing in faculty meetings about the diversity. Learning about the culture is a lifelong process. Every opportunity, every festival, every day, and everyplace is a source of new learning for an effective

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