Philosophy Of Outreach

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Philosophy of Outreach Paper
There are two things which the church is called for these are the doxology of God, meaning the glory of God, and soteriology of man, meaning the salvation of man. Therefore, for the church to reach out these essential goals these are following things they have to consider:
Participating in Individual Evangelism: I believe that, every church has the responsibility to carry out the gospel to people which are within his/her area (1 pet. 3:15, 16, Acts 1:8). We need to be engaged in the process of speaking to others about Christ and his plan of salvation (Rom. 10:14-16). Thus, the church members should be thoroughly equipped (Eph. 4:11-13) and disciple (2 Tim. 2:1-3), in such way that they are able to communicate the …show more content…

The church has to reach out to all races of people with the gospel message and send out missionaries to different areas of this world to plant churches (Acts 13:1-3). Hence, missionaries sent to the mission field should be fully supported financially, and the church has to have a concern for them with the affairs of their well-being in the mission field as they labor to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations.
Participating in Children’s Ministry: I believe that the church at large is called to reach out to the children within the church and the local community with the biblical truth (Luke 18:16-17). We also need to engage certain activities for these children to play around and have fellowship together.
Teenagers and Young adult ministries: There is a need to reach out to teenagers with the gospel, and the young adult in the church and in the community. In order to facilitate these plans, there should be fellowship and reaching out to them because they are the next generation who must carry on the work of God when we are no more in existence. We have to organize games and engage the youth to …show more content…

These physical needs should not be once in a year, only if the church can manage, but it should be an ongoing program to bring them to Christ (Mk 6:31-44, LK 9:11-17; John 6:1-14, matt, 14:13-44,). This program is supposed to be both spiritual and physical, and yet spiritual aspect should take first precedence to physical needs. Because, there is a need to minister these provisions to these people (Matt 25:37-40). Another aspect of the church which is very cordial and proper attention should be payoff is the responsibility for the church to care and protect the widows and orphans within the church and the community at large (Deu.10:17-19, Exd. 22:22-37, 1 Tim. 5:3,). We need also to have a disability outreach where we are attending to the need of people who are physically disabled and they are neglected by others and the society. This includes those in hospital beds and those who are locked in prisons. Even as we reach out to the prison: We are likely to reach the police service and the military at