Phoenix Power Gap Analysis Paper

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Introduction Phoenix Power’s high rates already makes them highly disliked by their customer base. Once the proposed rate increase goes into effect it is going to anger the consumers to a further degree. Phoenix Power is prepared to notify their clients of the upcoming increases but in the form of an advertising campaign. Implementing a public relations method to deliver Phoenix Power’s message will be better receptive by their client base. Public Relations Strategy It would be in the best interest of Phoenix Power if they dedicated their available resources, finances, and time to a well-developed public relations strategy over advertising. The company is already branded with negativity from the public and more advertising is not going to alleviate those opinions. I do agree with Phoenix; they should notify their customers of the surge in pricing. However, this message would be better accepted by the public if it took the form of an earned media article instead of a paid media advertisement. According to Michael Levine, publicist and author of Guerilla PR, he stated that “depending on how you measure and monitor, an article is between 10 times and 100 times more valuable than an advertisement” (Wynne, 2014). The price increase is not Phoenix Power’s only problem, the new plans to construct a nuclear …show more content…

79). Phoenix Power’s current priority is trying to find the most ideal method to deliver the news of the impending rate increases. The gap analysis also helps pin point major problems and takes the initiative to suggest possible solutions to those problems. When Phoenix Power was well aware that their client base was unhappy with the high rates they tried to distribute an advertising campaign that involved tips and tricks on how customers could save on energy costs. This would be an example of gap

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